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Даманта Макарова Autor
Аннотация писателяA tough choice made is a harsh lesson learned. Trusting people is hard, and trusting the people one believes in can be even harder.
Putting her trust in the Veluthian authorities and the Empress of the Laithorian Empire, Serena surrenders to face the false accusations she was charged with by the same people, who had accused Lindon and Wolfin in the past.
And only time will tell if she made the right call. Criminal 31K 8/04/2024 20:18:20 Фантастика, Космическая фантастика, Теги: en, eng, scifi, space travels
Даманта Макарова Autor
Аннотация писателяIn the far future, where people have mastered interstellar travels and genetic modification, a young woman lives a simple life of a scrapper, collecting scrap metals to get by. But in any life a single meeting with a number of strangers can drastically turn anyone's life around... Scrapper 69K 28/12/2023 01:23:06 Фантастика, Космическая фантастика, Теги: en, english, space travels, фантастика